17 625

These devices measure the change in inductance in the magneto coil when the points open and close. Simply shorting the clip leads together will not indicate a point closing, therefore eliminating any false reading caused by loss of contact to the magneto grounding terminal. To use, simply remove one plug from each cylinder. Connect black clip lead to engine ground. Connect red and green leads to right and left magneto terminals. Turn propeller slowly. When the points open the L.E.D.s will turn off and the audio "tweeter" will sound. The magneto connected to the red lead will sound a rapid beat and the magneto connected to the green lead will sound a slower beat. When both sets of points are open, a third and continuous sound will be emitted. Adjust magneto timing accordingly.

100% solid state, compact 3/4" x 3" x 5" size, long battery life. Color coordinated leads are 4 ft. long. Comes in strong anodized aluminum case. Also available for single magnetos and without tweeter. The single timer is more expensive now because it is a new, updated version or style. This is a deluxe style with tweeter that has a sound system and 4 foot leads.

Арт. MPN Описание Цена Add to cart form
$ 58.75
$ 59.95

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Вопросы и ответы
Will the dual mag synchronizers work if used on a single mag?

Per the supplier: Yes, they will work on a single mag.

Will the dual mag synchronizers work if used on a single mag?

Per the supplier: Yes, they will work on a single mag.

Will the single work on classic outboards?

This will only work if you have a breaker point ignition system. It will not work if you have a more modern electric system.

When the plug is to fire for timing do the lights on the synchronizer go out or do they turn on?

The lights will go out when it fires.

Is there a manual included with these INDUCTOR MAGNETO SYNCHRONIZERS?

Yes, these synchronizers include an instruction sheet in the box.

Do you have recommended use instructions?

Per the manufacturer: The dual and single mag timers have operating instructions included with each timer. First time users sometimes do not read the instructions and erroneously assume that this timer will do the same thing as a different brand of timer. They sometimes think that they should get a sound indication by touching the ground lead (alligator clip) to the red or green lead. This again is an erroneous assumption on their part - based on their experience using a different make of Timer.