Airplane Design, by Donald R. Crawford takes a continued technical look at the design and performance issues discussed in Crawford's first book "A Practical Guide to Aircraft Performance and Design". This book is written for the aeronautical engineer and student and assumes a good understanding of engineering and mathematics.
The articles and computer programs included in this book were first printed in Kitplanes magazine. They try to attack "bite-sized" pieces of the overall design problem. The programs are written in BASIC so that readers can enter them into their computers and obtain their own numbers. This should be especially useful to aeronautical engineering students involved with their design projects. Details for the mathematical derivations of the relevant equations are included so that there is a solid theoretical basis for the numerical solutions.
- Parameters for performance calculations
- Introduction to static stability and control
- V-n diagram, gust loading, & wing loading distribution
- Endurance, range, and CAFE 400 fuel efficiency
- Graphical propeller performance methods
- Standard atmosphere and aircraft performance
- Velocity induced by a horseshoe vortex element
- Vortex lattice calculation of a finite span wing
- Transformation matrices and great circle navigation
- Formulas for NACA 4- and 5- digit airfoils
- General equations of motion for a rigid airplane
- Perturbation equations for stability and control
- A closer look at longitudinal dynamic stability
- Exact solution of the stability quartic
- A closer look at lateral dynamic stability
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