10 950
Flight Discipline is the complete tool kit for any aviator, whether military, commercial, or recreational, to develop the crack discipline needed to be a safe and effective aviator. Major Tony Kern analyses the causes of poor flight discipline, gives chilling case studies of the consequences, and lays out a plan for individual improvement. Key words are italicized and review questions included for each chapter. An unequalled guide to this mainspring of good piloting.
Parts per assembly
- Introduction.
- Part I: The Problem of Poor Discipline.
- The Costs of Poor Discipline.
- The Letter of the Law: Regulatory Deviation.
- The Problem with Shortcuts: Procedural Deviations.
- Organizational Policies: Two Issues for Flight Discipline.
- Part II: The Anatomy of Flight Discipline.
- The Enemy Within: Internal Factors Impacting Flight Discipline.
- Outside Influences: External Factors Impacting Flight Discipline.
- Guiding Lights: The Critical Role of Mentoring and Instruction.
- Part III: Killing Conditions: Common Scenarios for Breakdowns of Flight Discipline.
- The Experience Factor.
- Glory Seeking: The Airshow Syndrome.
- Misplaced Priorities.
- Overconfidence and Complacency.
- Failing to Prepare.
- Flight Insurance: A Personal Program for Improving Flight Discipline.
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