Talking on the radio comes easily for some pilots, not so easily for others. Adding to the pressure of using correct phraseology is the knowledge that everybody on that frequency can hear you. Thus a number of tools have become available to help pilots practice this important aspect of flying. Dr. Hugh Ward has designed VFR/IFR communications "scripts" that a pilot can fill out during preflight and use in flight. He accomplishes this by providing a variety of templates that the pilot assembles and completes for each type of communications that might be needed. The 272-page spiral-bound workbook includes 32 different templates ranging from operations at nontowered fields to initial call-up of an approach control facility to requesting VFR traffic advisories, also known as flight following. You complete these templates - literally filling in the blanks-and practice them before your flight, then take them along-they're sized to fit a standard pilot's kneeboard. Four copies of each template are included, which should give most pilots ample opportunity to work with them.
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