Holding patterns baffle most pilots. I see a lot of students holding up three fingers to the DG and mumbling nonsense to themselves. In order to end the confusion, use the Visi-Hold™, the easiest way to figure out your holding entry. Works with standard holds and non-standard holds (left turns). The Visi-Hold™ package comes complete with Visi-Hold template, directions, and two articles on holds: All About Holding and Holding Simplified.
No complicated slide rule! Works just by holding it up to the heading indicator. You'll pay much more for other complicated sliderule holding pattern calculators. That's not even including shipping! Those of you who know what real IFR is like know that you can't fool around with a sliderule while the airplane is bouncing around. Instead, get the original Visi-Hold™, helping pilots to instantly know the holding pattern entry since 2000.
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