Radiant Instruments the Perfect Liquid Probe (PLP), a novel level sensor which mounts on the top of a tank. It uses ultrasonic technology to determine the distance between the sensor and the liquid within the tank. It is compatible with almost all liquid types, including gasoline, jet fuel, diesel and water. Other than two small holes in the top of the tank, no probes, rods, floats or wires enter the tank. The ultrasonic probe heads are metal, not plastic.
Unlike traditional fuel probes, the output of the PLP is a digital serial stream. PLP is designed to be compatible with Radiant's Fuel Gauges (RFGA), so the pilot sees fuel level information, fuel usage trends, and more via the vivid display of the RFGA.
The Perfect Liquid Probe represents a true breakthrough in fuel measurement. It eliminates problems associated with all traditional fuel probes. It is impervious to changes of fluid types (for instance, changing between AvGas and auto fuel) and requires no calibration whatsoever, other than to set the empty point on your tank. It works with small tanks and large tanks, and it is very useful for industrial applications as well. Because it is digital, traditional analog problems are eliminated: noise and failure in float style resistive senders; problems with calibration of capacitive probes, moving inductor solutions requiring penetration into the tank, etc.
Note: This probe is only compatible with the Radiant Fuel Gauge-D (Digital).
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