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The Gleim FAA Test Prep Online contains the study outlines, FAA questions, and on-screen charts and figures you need to study for and pass the FAA Knowledge Test.
The Gleim FAA Test Prep Online contains the study outlines, FAA questions, and on-screen charts and figures you need to study for and pass the FAA Knowledge Test in one unique, easy-to-use program. Each Test Prep Online has hundreds of multiple-choice questions available, including all previously released FAA questions and Gleim written questions.
NOTE: This product will be delivered in a digital form only and are not returnable.
Study Sessions & Practice Tests
- A Study Session option is available for immediate feedback with formatting and functionality emulating the actual exam at the major FAA testing sites. You may also choose to take unlimited test sessions that act like practice exams, with thorough answer explanations for correct and incorrect choices to cement your understanding.
- Expert assistance is available from the Gleim Aviation team through easy inquiry links. The Gleim FAA Test Prep Online is the industry leading course in self-study for the FAA Knowledge Tests.
- The FAA Test Prep Online contents are aligned with the Gleim Private Pilot Knowledge Test Book.
- This rating requires an endorsement authorizing you to take the test at the FAA testing center. After you answer every question in the course correctly, you will be provided with this endorsement. This saves you time and money by not having to review all the material with a flight or ground instructor.
- Study sessions
- Customize practice tests
- Expert assistance
- About the Course
- Over 760 Multiple-Choice Questions
- Unlimited Test Sessions that act like Practice Exams
- Includes all previously released FAA questions
- Thorough answer explanations for correct AND incorrect choices to cement understanding
- Study Session option for immediate feedback
- Formatting and functionality emulate the actual exam at the major testing vendors
Parts per assembly
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