Not quite as detailed as Mountain Flying Bible, but for learning the techniques of mountain flying and operating from remote high altitude airstrips, it is in our opinion, the best value for the dollar of all of Sparky's books.
Comprehensive guidance from an expert. Mountain flying has its own rules. This is the book that explains them with clarity and authority. Organized to follow the sequence of a typical flight, the book covers preflight, takeoff, en-route, arrival procedures, and landing. The author discusses fuel management, the magnetic compass, and the effects of high-altitude flying on weight and balance and the airspeed indicator. There's much more in this unique book, and it's a "must" for every pilot who flies into mountainous terrain.
Now published and distributed by Aircraft Technical Book Company. Formerly published by Airguide Publications.
- Preflight
- Takeoff
- Enroute
- Arrival
- Landing
- Mountain Meteorology
- Airspeed Indicator
- Weight & Balance
- Aircraft Inspections
- Fuel Management
- The Magnetic Compass
- Appendices
- winter woes
- reliability of aviatrion forecasts
- do's and dont's of mountain flying
- altitude computations
- flight operation information
Version Types
Softcover Book - Printed book with heavyweight cover stock.
eBook EB - A protected document designed for reflowable content. Also referred to as an ePub or "Electronic Publication" format. Easily viewed on both small and large screens. Text, images, and pages will adapt or reflow to fit the screen size of the device, so zooming is not necessary to read. Text size can be adjusted in an ebook reader app. Visit AC Technical Books -eBooks for more details on how to setup your device.
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