The definitive reference book for Part 121 and 135 operators, career aviators, and fractional ownership programs in a 6" x 9", 560-page handbook format.
FAR for Flight Crew includes:
- Parts 1, 5, 63, 65, 91 Subpart K, 110, 117, 119, 120, 121, 135, and 49 CFR Parts 175 (Hazmat), and 1544 (TSA).
- Pilot’s Bill of Rights.
- Changes and updates since the last edition clearly marked.
- FREE updates available online and via email subscription service for regulation and procedural changes. Sign up by clicking FAR/AIM Updates Page.
- Comprehensive FAR index.
Version Types
eBook PD - A protected document that looks identical to its print book counterpart. Exact formatting and layout of the print books is maintained (text, images, margins, page breaks, etc.). Displays best on 10-inch or larger screens. Not recommended for small screens (phones) which require you to zoom in and pan around to see the full page. This document is not a .pdf file type. It is a .acsm file type. See for more details on how to setup your device.
Softcover Book - Printed book with heavyweight cover stock.
eBook EB - A protected document designed for reflowable content. Also referred to as an ePub or "Electronic Publication" format. Easily viewed on both small and large screens. Text, images, and pages will adapt or reflow to fit the screen size of the device, so zooming is not necessary to read. Text size can be adjusted in an ebook reader app. Visit for more details on how to setup your device.
eBundle - Includes both the print book and eBook PD.
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