5 850

Adjustable plastic ventilators for use as fresh air intakes or air exhausts. Easily installed in plastic windshield or metal cowling.

Model F325A: Large tabs on lower flange and tapered profile make this vent ideal for higher airspeeds. Mounts in 3-1/4” diameter opening in plastic windshield or metal cowling.

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Вопросы и ответы
Do the SnapVents close fully so air doesn't get in?

These snap into the opening where they will be installed. They have a vent on one side. If you rotate the vent towards the front of the aircraft, the air will flow in. If you twist it 180 degrees, the airflow will stop. It will not be airtight but the air will not be flowing in. You could use a seal to create an airtight closed position but we do not have any details on exactly how that is done.

Is this type Snapvent ok to install in door windows?

This will depend on your application. Since this is an experimental part it is up to you to decide where you think this will best be placed. There are general installation instructions here under the documents tab that you can refer to. This vent has been used in plexiglass/lexan door windows in the past, but can be used in other areas of the aircraft.