339 UFM2 DVD VIDEO PACKAGE. “UFM2” is Brian FitzGeralds sixth documentary on aviation matters and his first project in High Definition. It was made to chronicle the current state of Ultralight Flying in America. It features what he calls “the five fingers” of ultralight flying: 1. Fixed Wing Ultralights; 2. Trikes; 3. Powered Parachutes (PPCs); 4. Powered Paragliders (PPGs) and 5. Helicopters. In order to cover these five types of ultralights, Brian has sought out Designers, Instructors, Builders and Enthusiasts who are all flyers and very knowledgeable regarding their aircraft. Through these in-depth interviews and demonstrations of the equipment you will gather much useful information. You will also see every machine fly. By this method you can determine which type of flight to pursue. In addition to the interviews, there are numerous music video segments sprinkled throughout the movie to provide “The Romance of Flying”. Of particular interest is “Lil Prop / Big Prop” which is the movies finalé and was Designed to Put You in the Seat of an Ultralight Skimming the Prairie. It runs 24 minutes. “Lil Prop” features music written and recorded by FitzGerald with him playing the guitars and bass with a little singing thrown in. “UFM2” is 3 hours and 15 minutes long allowing for full coverage of the subjects at hand.It was produced as a "video magazine" with chapter markers providing quick access to the many Introductions, Interviews and Music Videos."UFM2" is available on DVD.Comes on 2 disks.
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