What does it mean if you buy a rebuilt prestolite starter and pay core?
You are charged up front for the core. When you return your old starter, you will be refunded the core amount once it is determined that it is an acceptable core.
What is the weight of the Prestolite MZ 4222R?
Approx 17 lbs on it's own.
I see in the chart PN MZ-4222 does not have a R . Is that the latest revision and can I assume the new starter will end with the R.
The "R" signifies a factory overhaul, not revision. A new MZ-4222 will be the most recent unit.
What is the weight of the Aerotech MZ4206?
17 lbs approx.
Is the MZ-4204, Part number 08-14850 a 122 or 149 tooth?
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