34 485

Peerco #321 Adhesive Remover is designed to remove the adhesive residue when replacing de-icing boots. However, #321 will remove 3M 1300L and many other adhesives. This product is environmentally and user friendly as it does not contain ketones like MEK. Peerco #321 Adhesive Remover has a pleasant scent and is made of all natural ingredients. Apply #321 liberally to surface and allow to stand for 10 minutes. You may rinse off with water and wipe dry.

1 gallon.

  • Contains no ketones
  • Environmentally friendly
  • Semi jelled – clings to vertical surfaces
  • Works in 10 minutes or less
  • May be rinsed off with water
  • Tested by Scientific Material International, Inc.
  • Conforms to Douglas CSD #1 Stripper
  • Conforms to Boeing D6-17487 revision J
  • Removes 3M #1300 L and many other adhesives
  • Shelf life 2 years in sealed cans

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I am wanting to remove the black tar/spray in rubber insulation in a Cessna 180. Will this remove this junk?

Yes, this is designed to remove adhesive residue. Effectiveness is case by case and dependent on the specific adhesive and age of the adhesive.