3 585
Meets MIL Spec MIL-C-23411
12/34 MIRACLE FORMULA® has the most effective ALL-IN-ONE formulation on the market today. Its lubricating, moisture displacing, penetrating and corrosion prevention is unsurpassed in any single product type of its kind. Don't accept substitutes, ask for 12/34 MIRACLE FORMULA® by name.
- LUBRICATES: Contains highly refined lubricants which provide superior protection and anti-wear properties.
- REMOVES MOISTURE: Moisture is lifted and displaced rather than trapped. Pores and crevices of surface are freed from moisture and are coated with a thin non-greasy film that prevents additional moisture from clinging or reentering.
- PENETRATES: Rusted and frozen metal parts - nuts, bolts, studs, pins, etc. - are easily loosened by means of superior "creepability".
- PREVENTS RUST & CORROSION: Thin film adheres to metallic surfaces, providing positive temporary protection against the formation of rust and corrosion, including electrolysis and galvanic corrosion common in salt environments.
- Aviation
- Aerospace
- Military
- Marine
- Automotive
- Agricultural
- Oil Drilling
- Electronics
- H.V.A.C.
- Homeowners
12/34® is a four function liquid that will REMOVE MOISTURE, PREVENT RUST, PENETRATE AND LUBRICATE. Upon application by aerosol, brush or dipping, 12/34® deposits inhibitors into the grain areas of metal, thereby removing any existing moisture and providing a thin molecular film against further moisture penetration. This invisible micro film remaining after evaporation permits wide latitude of applications, from heavy machinery to intricate instruments & electric boxes.
Dissolves Rust, Displace Moisture, Penetrates And Lubricates
- 12/34® Non-Flammable
- 12/34® is easy to use - No mixing or diluting.
- 12/34® is economical -aerosol coverage 30-40 sq. ft.
- (1 Gal covers 4000-5000 sq. ft.)
- 12/34® can be used on Steel, Brass, Aluminum, Solder,
- Copper, Magnesium and other common metals
- 12/34® contains NO silicones, kerosene or acrylics
- 12/34® is harmless to paint
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