The EP-60 use high-efficiency portable solar panels that are built with quality and durability in mind, charge the EnergyBar 250 in only 7 hours of sunlight. Compact enough to fit anywhere in case of emergencies, or just for everyday use. The sun isn’t going anywhere.
Weather Resistant
The EP-60 solar panels are resistant to rain, snow, and accidental coffee spills while in operation. The built-in stand forms a tent over your EnergyBar 250 for even more protection from unpredictable weather If it starts to drizzle while you’re out on a hike, no sweat. Also, sweat won’t hurt it either.
The Full Power of the Sun
Advanced monocrystalline cells gather the highest amount of photovoltaic energy possible. From there, Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) technology ensures that devices are pulling the most efficient amount of energy at any given time from the panels. An LED lights up when the EP-60 can be angled to receive optimal sunlight with its adjustable configuration. Depending on the time of day, the panels can be dropped up or laid flat for exposure to direct sunlight and faster charging.
Durable Lightweight Design
The impressive wingspan of the EP-60 folds together into a durable carrying case. These incredibly thin, incredibly powerful panels fit into most narrow spaces. When there’s no more room to pack anything else, solar power can still come with you.
- Charges Device: EnergyBar 250 PN:11-12101 (sold separately)
- Charge Time w/ Good Sun: 7-13 Hours
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