The CO Guardian 451-201 panel mounted Carbon Monoxide (CO) detector is designed especially for FAA certified Part 23 aircraft and Part 27 and 29 rotorcraft. A compact and lightweight unit meant to use as little cockpit space as possible, the 451-201 combines highly accurate CO detection for the cockpit in a small package. This CO detection unit is perfect for builders and pilots looking for basic protection from the dangers of carbon monoxide in their certified aircraft or helicopter.
The 451-201 is a remote unit and requires the installation of a reset/test button (included) in the panel and an annunciator/alert light (not included)
Installation of the 451-201 is authorized for Part 23, 27, and 29 aircraft/rotorcraft under the Non-Required Safety Enhancing Equipment (NORSEE) authorization and requires only a "Minor Alteration" logbook entry by an IA.
The sensitive onboard CO sensor alarms when carbon monoxide levels measure greater than 50 parts-per-million (PPM). A loud 85db aural warning will sound and an amber warning LED will flash when CO measures 50 to 99 PPM over a 3-5 minute span. An aural warning and a red LED flashing warning will trigger when levels climb above 99 PPM immediately when detected.
The compact and lightweight CO Guardian 451-201 will fit behind an instrument panel and weighs only 3.5 oz. Installation is very simple and takes only 2-4 hours on average.
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