1 785

Solar-Screen™ is a green tinted 8mil polymer that quickly and easily statically attaches to any clean window surface and acts like a pair of sun glasses to protect and enhance vision and minimize fatigue. When the suns position changes, simply peel the Solar-Screen™ off and re-stick it where it needs to be. Solar-Screen™ absorbs approximately 75% of the light spectrum while also providing approximately 90% protection from UVA & UVB. Place Solar-Screen™ to reduce glare while in your plane, car, boat or RV and also works great around the house. This innovative product can even be cut to fit on helmet shields and goggles used for skiing & motorcycling.

  • Flexible 6M Plastic
  • Removable and Reusable
  • UV Protection
Арт. MPN Описание Цена Add to cart form
$ 5.95
$ 14.50

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Вопросы и ответы
Will these Composiclean solar screens be OK to stick on a heated windscreen?

Per the supplier: Yes, these will be fine on heated windscreens.

Will the product adhere to the inside curved surface of an aircraft windscreen (as opposed to the inside of a flat side aircraft window)?

Yes, if it's very curved it may have a crease but it will stick fine.

What should I do to make the solar screen stick better?

Per the manufacturer, this works by static electricity. To reenergize the static charge, you would need to rub it on your clothing before use.

The screen coming out of the box doesn't want to stick. Do I remember correctly, I may have to moisten occasionally?

No moisture is required or recommended for solar screens to stick. Be sure it's clean and dry in try rubbing it on a sweater to reactivate it's static charge. The glass or plastic you are sticking it to should also be clean and dry.

How much UV protection does the Composiclean solar screen provide?

This will absorb approximately 75% of the light spectrum while also providing approximately 90% protection from UVA & UVB.

What is size are the Composiclean Solar Screen?

These are available in 2 sizes. There is a drop down menu on the web page for size selection. Once you choose either 6" x 9" or 8.5" x 11" you will see the price and be able to add to your cart for purchase.