The Me-109 Messerschmitt was designed by Willy Messerschmitt and was originally powered by a Rolls-Royce Kestrel V engine. It was one of the first true modern fighters of the era.
The prototype Me-109 first flew in 1935 and that same year, the Me-109 won a fighter competition. The Me-109B and C models achieved great success in Spain with the Legion Condors fighter unit. The progressive development in the pre-war years resulted in a more powerful and heavier armed versions of the ME-109. The Me-109 was flown by the three top-scoring fighter aces of World War II including Gunther Rall, with 275 victories. Bf 109 was the official designation, since its design was sent in by the Bayerische Flugzeugwerke company and was used extensively in all official German documents dealing with this aircraft. After July 1938, the company was renamed as Messerschmitt AG, the time when Erhard Milch finally allowed Willy Messerschmitt to acquire the company. The ""Me"" designation and mdash (except those already assigned with the Bf prefix) were to be carried by all Messerchmitt aircraft since then.
The Me-109 has basically the smallest airframe that Willy Messerschmitt attached to the most powerful engine. The Me-109 remained a formidable air superiority fighter throughout World War II.
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