When traveling light or when you may need to move in a hurry, it pays to keep all of your essential items together. With a place for everything, this multifunctional carrying case also serves as a fanny pack, or as the British would call it, a bum bag. The same heavy duty materials used in Proforce's series of backpacks are used in the Response Pak. It has a multitude of hidden internal storage pockets. It has quickly become a favorite among military members as a great little med bag, perfect for those vital items every soldier needs.
The Response Pack features a lot of storage in a compact, functional bag. There's webbing on the front and sides to attach other small pouches using either the MOLLE attachment system or the Alice Clip system. Great for those needing a larger Medical / E&E bag than standard ones that attach on a belt or pack. More room for needed supplies. The Response Pak has a waist strap that can also be stowed within itself if you would rather use it as a small bag or attach it to a larger back pack with MOLLE on it.
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