2 610

General's Feeler Gages are used for adjusting and gauging spark plugs, distributor points and valve clearances, or any other instance of measuring the space between two parts. Their best-selling Economy Series Gages provide spot-on accuracy at a competitive price.

This 26 Leaf Economy Feeler gage features straight leaves etched with both Metric and English units, ranging from .0015” to .025” and .037mm to .635mm. The set is housed in a protective holder to preserve the trueness of the leaf edges.

No. 230 has (26) 3x1/2 in. Ieaves of the following sizes:

    .002, .0025, .003. .004, .005,
    .006, .007, .008, .009, .010, .011,
    .012, .013, .014, .015, .016, .017,
    .018, .019, .020, .021, .022, .023,
    .024 and .025 in.
  • 26 Straight Leaves.
  • Used to measure the space between two parts.
  • Leaves are printed with both English and Metric units.
  • Metric range is .037mm to .635mm.
  • Leaves are 3” long.
  • Protective holder protects leaf edges when not in use.

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