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The AHRS-2 / MAG-2 is a 3 1/8 sunlight readable color display instrument providing a display for an artificial horizon reference system (AHRS), an advanced digital compass, or both depending on which sensor packages is connected.
- The AHRS-2 / MAG-2 can be setup to display the following:
Horizon with optional slip, turn indicator & G-Force (requires MGL Avionics SP-7/9 sensor package)
Turn and bank indicator (requires MGL Avionics SP-7/9 sensor package)
Combined compass and horizon display with bank indicator, optional slip indicator & G-Force (requires MGL Avionics SP6 & SP-7/9 sensor packages)
- Large 2.6 high resolution 320x240, IPS (fully viewable in all directions), sunlight readable color LCD display
- Artificial horizon reference system (AHRS) display unit with slip indication, turn and bank and G-Force indication
- Advanced magnetic compass with a course steering feature and slip indication
- Can be setup as an individual compass display, artificial horizon or both
- The AHRS-2 / MAG-2 is connected to the AHRS / Compass sensor packages by a simple CAN bus interface. This allows for the optimum placement of the sensor packages in the aircraft
- More then one AHRS-2 / MAG-2 unit can be connected onto the CAN bus. This allows the compass, artificial horizon and the turn and bank indicator to be displayed on different units
- G-Force indicator (MGL Avionics SP7 required)
- Standard 3 1/8 aircraft enclosure (can be front or rear mounted)
- The LED backlight can automatically adjust to the ambient light, or it can be manually adjusted in the menu system
- Rotary control plus 2 independent buttons for easy menu navigation and user input
- An external output activates when a high alarm condition has been reached
- Wide input supply voltage range of 8 to 30V DC with built in voltage reversal and over voltage protection for harsh electrical environments
- 1 year limited warranty
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