The PMA8000E represents another advancement in cockpit audio control and intercommunications utility. Using our patented IntelliVox® design and pilot programmable configurations, this marks the next level of audio control.
The unit is designed for outstanding ergonomics with visually defined mode annunciation and selections.
The PMA8000E is specifically designed to be used in a dual audio panel environment; where the pilot and copilot positions have independent control over the radio audio control. A pair of PMA8000E units share information between the units to make the operation logical and utilitarian, and avoid operations that are inconsistent with radio and cockpit communications practices.
With digital interface control, the pilot is always in control while allowing the copilot to off load radio communications as well allow access to the passengers without interrupting the pilot.
If the aircraft owner chooses, Bluetooth® can be enabled, allowing unprecedented capabilities for the crew or passengers to distribute phone calls or music. With two independent Bluetooth® interfaces, any one of a number of configurations will allow distribution of telephone and music.
And like all of our PMA8000 series, there are front panel configuration that allows both the pilot and copilot to configure the intercom to best suit the needs of the cockpit crew and passengers.
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