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skyBeacon is a 2020 compliant, near zeroinstall, Class B1S ADS-B UAT transmitter and WAAS GPS integrated into a wing tip position light. The power transcoder decodes replies from legacy Mode C transponders. 14 CFR 91.227 compliant. Smart phone configurable over WiFi. skyBeacon is a revolutionary new way to equipADS-B. Simply replace your existing navigation light with skyBeacon and you are ADS-B compliant for 2020.
- 2020 Compliance
- Mounts in under 10 minutes
- Lowest total cost of ownership of any ADS-B Out solution
Simply replace the aircraft position light, thats it! No airframe modifications or additional antennas are required. Plus, it works with any Mode C or Mode S transponder. skyBeacon installation uses the existing mounting location, breaker and wiring, with 3 screws and 3 wires. The transponder data is provided via the existing aircraft wiring system using the power transcoder.
Remain Anonymous
Just because you are ADS-B equipped, doesnt mean you want to be tracked. With skyBeacons Anonymous Mode, your aircraft identification remains hidden from the ADS-B OUT signal while squawking 1200. Anonymous Mode keeps the skies safe while protecting your privacy.
Self-Contained WAAS GPS A built-in WAAS GPS provides skyBeacon with rule compliant position data for ADS-B transmission. No additional wiring or external GPS antenna mounting is required.
Works with Your Existing Mode C or S Transponder skyBeacon works with any existing transponder. uAvionixs patented power transcoder technology seamlessly communicates with your existing transponder, any transponder, over your aircrafts electrical system. tailBeacon and skyBeacon are the only UAT ADS-B OUT devices on the market that work with Mode S transponders.
Instant Setup and Configuration Mechanically installing skyBeacon is the first easy step. With uAvionixs mobile app, configuration is just as simple. Our mobile application (available for both Apple iOS and Android) guides your installer through setting the necessary values including the ICAO address, emitter type, aircraft length, width and GPS offsets.
Wingtip Adapters If your wingtip or lighting configuration is not supported by skyBeacon, you can purchase a fairing adapter kit for various aircraft.
- 301 fairing (left) Aircraft Compatibility:
- 150L, 150M
- 152
- 175C
- 180G, 180H
- 182F, 182G, 182H, 182J, 182K, 182L, 182M, 182N
- 185, 185A, 185B, 185C, 185D, 185E, A185F
- P206E, U206E
- 302 fairing (left) Aircraft Compatibility
- 172L, 172M, 172N, 172P, 172Q, 172R, 172S
- 172RG
- 177B, 177RG
- 180J, 180K
- 182P, 182Q, 182R, 182S, 182T, R182, T182, TR182
- 185, 185A, 185B, 185C, 185D, 185E, A185F
- U206F, U206G
- TU206F, TU206G
UAT Transmitter- Meets the performance requirements of TSO-154c Class B1S. RTCA DO-282B Class B1S
- Meets performance requirements of TSOC30cType I
- Integrated RAIM processor for Security andIntegrity protection
- SBAS corrections and health messages usedto detect and correct satellite range errors
- Satellite pseudo range step errors detectedand excluded
- SBAS fast and long-term corrections applied
- Decodes altitude and squawk via aircraftelectrical system
- Certified via approved model list(AML) for STC'd installation on hundreds ofaircraft makes and models
Patents Pending
- ADS-B Out: 91.225, 91.227, AC 20-165B
- GNSS Position: AC 20-165B
- Position Light: SAE/AS8037
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