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The SafetyCell is a product that allows a pilot to use his cell phone with his avionic headset and listen and transmit radio and phone transmissions simultaneously. SafetyCell is lightweight and portable, maintenance free and installs in seconds. It is easy to use; simply dial the phone normally, talk and listen through your headset. Great for primary and emergency communications and many other applications. Such as:
- Filing a flight plan
- Checking weather
- Calling for fuel
- Getting a clearance at an uncontrolled field
- Voiding a flight plan
- Closing a VFR flight plan
- Calling for a taxi
- Scheduling a meeting
- Advising your pickup party that you are late/early
- Letting your spouse know where you are or that you will be late
- Primary communications for AG pilots
- Primary communications for Experimental and Ultralight pilots
- More secure communications for law enforcement
NOTE: This will only work in an extremely quiet environment; the Standard SafetyCell is not amplified. ALL NOKIA PHONES REQUIRE AN ADAPTER. ALL BLACKBERRY AND I PHONES REQUIRE A 3.5 TO 2.5 ADAPTER. THEY DO NOT RECOMMEND THE ONES FROM RADIO SHACK
The Amplified SafetyCell is similar to the Standard SafetyCell but power packed with features. It is our most popular model. The amplified SafetyCell filters your radio and cell phone signals, cleans them up and then amplifies your cell phone volume by as much as 600%, depending on your phone/headset combination. Both the radio and the cell phone signals are then brought into the headset for loud and clear communication. This is the unit you will want if your plane is on the noisy side or if you have "mature" ears. This unit does not require any batteries but must be plugged into your VOX mic jack to work properly. It can also be used with the optional battery pack for "out of the plane" use.
The Bose 6 Pin SafetyCell model is for those that have a built in Bose headset and do not use the Bose battery pack. This model is an amplified SafetyCell that is especially altered for the Bose headset circuitry. No batteries are required. The Bose 6 pin model fits between your headset and the panel to give you seamless intergration of your cell phone and radios. The standard Bose locking connectors are supplied.
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