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The Test Guide has grown up! It is no longer just an afterthought. The Test Guide is a critical part of your learning experience. You know it. And we know it too.
These ATB Test Guides provide questions similar to those you will be given with your FAA A&P General written, oral, and practical tests. They are an excellent study tool to go along with your college or technical school study program and the H-8083-ATB series of A&P textbooks as used by most Part 147 schools throughout the U.S.
- New and reviewed and revised for 2019 by our team of instructors from multiple A&P colleges.
- Includes FAA style multiple choice questions covering every required learning point and organized to follow the chapters in the handbooks.
- Includes sample oral questions with explanations and expected responses, plus examples of the practical skills you will be asked to demonstrate, and including the complete FAA Practical Test Standards for each section.
- Features an uncluttered open page layout placing answers and explanations on the back side of the question page so they are out of sight as you consider your response.
- eBook edition comes in an easy to use unsecured .pdf format and fully functional with all Adobe Reader features.
Includes 6 months of Unlimited ExamPrep. You experience 6 months of simulated online exam practice using randomized questions from the database. Upon completion of each attempt, your complete results are provided along with explanations and Handbook page references for further review for each incorrect response.
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