The EXPBUS 2V mounting tray is the ultimate in quick build time savings. The tray comes Pre-punched, and pre-assembled with rocker switches prewired to the PC board. All the builder needs to do is to cut a single rectangular hole in the panel, connect the battery, alternator, and all of the load wires to the proper terminals on the EXP BUS2 PC board mounted in the chassis.
For 14V DC systems (not recommended for 28V aircraft)
EXPBUS II--Second generation design
Simplifies and organizes wiring
Saves time, panel space, weight, and money
Solid state "fuses" eliminate breakers
Avionics master switch/starter cutout
"Soft Start" extends landing light life
Overvoltage protection
Clearance delivery input for NavCom
Dual bus option for backup battery
A Complete Electrical System
The EXPBUS 2 DC Load Center replaces all but one circuit breaker in most homebuilt aircraft, and includes the master switch, master relay, and the avionics master switch. The avionics output bus provides six protected circuits, and automatically shuts off when the starter is engaged. Three master bus outputs operate items such as panel lights, gyros and engine instruments. Switched outputs include the alternator field, Beacon/Strobe output, nav light output, aux fuel pump output, two landing light outputs, and two spares. All outputs are overload protected, eliminating the need for fuses or circuit breakers, and saving the labor of installing and wiring them up.
Better Than Fuses
EXPBUS II products are solid state protection devices that function very much like circuit breakers. When overloaded, these devices "blow," and the offending circuit safely shuts down. Unlike a fuse, the devices reset themselves, unharmed, after the load is removed for several seconds. Unlike breakers, there are no contacts to weld "on." Once tripped, these devices will remain "off" until the original load is completely removed for several seconds. These proven devices are annually used in hundreds of thousands of automobiles.
Free Time For Sale
Mounting requires drilling a few holes in the panel and bolting the unit in. Connect the battery cable directly to the terminal, and power leads from any devices such as radios, lights, gyros, and pumps to the proper switch or terminal on the PC board. Install one 40 amp breaker between the alternator and the PC board. All other outputs from the PC board are overload protected. There are no other fuses or circuit breakers to buy or install. Just think of the drilling, mounting, cutting, crimping, routing, labeling, and troubleshooting you will save (not to mention skinned knuckles and bleeding fingers). AND, while you save time, you will be getting a clean high-tech installation, with virtually no unfused wiring behind the panel. The switches can even be easily removed from the PC board, allowing the board to be remote mounted, anywhere in the aircraft.
Advanced Features
The Clearance delivery circuit allows one avionics bus output to be powered up with the master switch off--very handy at busy airports. The overvoltage protection circuit locks out the alternator field if the bus voltage ever exceeds 18 volts. The landing light outputs feature "soft start" circuits to greatly extend landing light bulb life. With the backup battery option, the two AUX outputs and one nav-com can automatically be powered by a standby power source in the event of a failure of the primary electrical system. The standby battery is automatically charged from the master bus during normal operation, eliminating the need for dual alternators in most cases.
Size: 9.75" long by 4.625" deep by 1.875" tall. Weight 0.8 lbs.
Switched Ouputs
- Master Switch/Avionics Master
- Alternator Field - 5 amps
- Beacon/Strobe - 7 amps
- Nav Lights - 7 amps
- Aux. Pump - 7 amps
- LDG/Taxi - 9 amps
- LDG/Taxi - 9 amps
- Aux.Output (2) - 11 amps
Avionics Master Outputs
- 1 Seven Amp Output
- 2 Five Amp Outputs
- 3 Three Amp Outputs
- The above current ratings are based on "recommended" operating current. Traditional fuses and circuit breakers are rated in terms of "maximum" operating current. A 9 amp polyfuse circuit is roughly comparable to a 14 amp fuse or breaker. The above fuse sizes are a good match for most sport aircraft, your project will probably work well with this configuration.
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EX-110 W/BB
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